Currently // April 2020

These “Currently” posts are the creation of my blogging friend Anne of In Residence, and I’m glad to be joining in today! These short and sweet blog posts are about all I have in me these days, but it’s fun to share a little snippet of life lately.


I’ve been sharing five finds posts every day I’ve been home during this quarantine, and they’ve been such a fun way to keep myself browsing fun, encouraging, interesting, and hopeful things online. I’ve loved sharing them!


I’m writing at least a few cards/notes to send in the mail every day lately — it’s such a weird time to be alive and snail mail is a simple and easy way to brighten the days of my people near and far! Plus, I have a massive stash of stationery I need to use up, so it’s been fun to work through that and actually put it all to good use.


I could get existential about this, but I’ll try not to… I’m just currently wishing for the sun to come back out and for the weather to warm up (it’s so much easier to stay home when it’s nice out and I can be outside!). The rain can go ahead and leave, thank you very much.


This is a biiiiit of a stretch but I’m currently investigating ideas for #the100dayproject. I’ve done this several times in the past (with varying levels of success) and really want to do it again this year, but am feeling stuck on a project idea that is doable, exciting to me, and not too high maintenance. I need an easy on-ramp in this season if it’s going to happen, and I’m still working out what that might look like.


A few things I’ve bought lately that are helping me stay sane: a new coloring book, new (erasable!) pens, the next three books in the Three Pines series, a meditation cushion, and the new Kindle (so I can more easily download e-library books).