Currently // June 2019

My friend Anne from In Residence hosts this fun monthly link-up, and in efforts to get back into the rhythm of more regular blogging, I’m jumping back in this month!

Here’s a peek at what life looks like currently:


PICKING // all the homegrown veggies — it’s been so fun to see what new treasures await when I get home from work each day. So far, I’ve had lots of grape tomatoes, 3 heirloom tomatoes, 4 jalapeños, and one beautiful purple pepper. BIG FAN.

GOING // to counseling weekly, still. (I wish I had a more fun answer for this one, like that I was going on an exotic vacation or something…) it’s the best, hardest, most life-giving, most challenging, most rewarding thing I do. i’m grateful for it. i’m growing through it and because of it. it will never not be worth it.

WISHING // for all the time to read. who invented full-time jobs, anyway?! GIRL HAS BOOKS TO READ, OKAY?! (ps — I made you a summer reading guide!)

WEARING // kimonos ALL the time (perfect summer layer, especially for freezing offices but hot and humid outdoors). A few recent favorites: this simple one, this floral one, and this beachy-feeling one.

CELEBRATING // nine years being veg! shared 9 things I love about being vegan on instagram — the #1 being the fact that nothing I put in or on my body requires the death of living, breathing creatures. that matters SO MUCH to me. here are a few blog posts for more reading (if you’re curious or interested!): how and why i’m both vegan + gluten-free // my favorite vegan + gf resources // celebrating 7 meat-free years! // a guide to richmond’s best gluten free and vegan eats

To join the next link-up, share what you're currently reading, enjoying, finding, tasting, and saving on July 3!