poetry //
“If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. ”
Don’t be intimidated by poetry! I guarantee you can find something here that speaks to you. I’m sharing a bunch of my favorite books of poetry, as well as a list of favorite poets I crowdsourced on Instagram. Let’s start the RAD Reading Challenge strong!
There are certain authors that I have latched onto deeply in my life, devouring every word they write, following their work closely, and finding myself impacted immensely by their writing. Wendell Berry is near the top of that list for me
Let's try a new thing, shall we? One common thread or theme, and four books with slightly different flavors. A bookish flight of four, if you will.
Over it all, grace. In it all, intentionality. Throughout it all, love.
Here's to vulnerability, courage, and being real with my story in new ways this year.
My favorite season is in full swing (even if the temps are still too warm for my liking) and I'm making plans to savor every bit of it.
here's a little poem from my heart to yours -- let's join the brave love fight.
a friday freewrite poem about letting guards down and letting yourself be known.
As I have spent time reading throughout Scripture and listening to hymns and worship music this week, I felt moved to put pen to paper and reflect on the events we will celebrate this weekend.