22 Questions for All Bookworms (and My Answers!)


Hardback or trade paperback or mass market paperback?

I prefer paperback, with whatever the prettiest cover is, and WITHOUT those jagged rough page edges. Those are the worst.

Amazon or brick and mortar?

Love my local indie bookstores, but do buy on Amazon occasionally.

Locally owned bookshop or big name chain store?

Local! Always local.

Bookmark or dog-ear?

Underline/highlight/write notes. I don't use bookmarks or fold pages ever.

Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random?

Author last name!

Keep, throw away, or sell?

Never throw away. I keep anything I've loved or know I'll revisit, but sell or giveaway everything else. I rarely buy fiction since I hardly ever read a fiction book more than once.

Keep dust jacket or toss it?

Keep. I hardly ever take them off.

Read with dust jacket or remove it?

Always leave it on!

Short story or novel?

Novel. Not a short story fan.

Collection (short stories by same author) or anthology (short stories by different authors)?

If I'm going to read short stories, it's going to be an anthology.

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?

Chapter breaks.

“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”?

Once upon a time.

Buy or borrow?

Borrow fiction, buy non-fiction or favorites. 

New or used?

Depends on the book! I love used books, though.

Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse?

Browse. I rarely read reviews.

Tidy ending or cliffhanger?

Gotta be honest, I love both.

Morning, afternoon or nighttime reading?

All of the above.

Single volume or series?

Single. Not a big series person.

Favorite series?

The Chronicles of Narnia. Hands down.

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?

Surely people have heard of this one, but everyone I've ever recommended it to hasn't!

Favorite books read last year?

They're all here!

Favorite books of all time?

My best list is here.

What would your answers be? If you blog your own responses, leave your link in the comments so I can check it out!

(ps-- found this list here!)