fall: a reading guide

happy september, friends!

i know it’s not technically fall yet, but once the ‘ber months hit, it’s fall in my heart. and blessedly, it looks like we’re past the last of the 90 degree days… fingers crossed! a girl can only take so much of the virginia humidity before i LOSE IT. i need sweater weather, STAT.

i’m so excited to share my new fall reading guide with you all — it ended up being a LOT more robust than i was originally anticipating because of how many great books i kept discovering and wanting to include!

and i couldn’t stop at just showing you their covers, i had to give you a bit of a blurb to entice you. truly, these are the perfect books to cozy up with over the next few months!

in the guide, you’ll find 72 total recommendations, with 12 each in the following categories:





🧑🏻‍🏫academic settings

🧌creature features

of course, there’s also a bingo game (and you can find the instagram story version saved to my highlights here) — just a fun little addition if you’re into that kind of thing!

as always, there’s a focus on making sure BIPOC and/or LGBTQIA+ authors and characters are represented well, and you’ll see emojis throughout the guide cluing you in to where those are present, as well as what books i’ve personally read and recommend (47 of them!), which ones are on KU, and which are releasing soon (not too many, to make them as accessible as possible).

you can get the guide here!