Five Finds // Thursday

Yummy things, fun things, and a GREAT thread about Triscuits… trust me, check it out.

A drink to try:

I made this vegan London fog tea latte this morning and it was heavenly. (All you need is Earl Grey tea + milk — I used almond— and a bit of vanilla.) Bonus points if you use a frother to get it extra foamy!

A great Twitter thread:

Read it and then look at this!!!

A recipe to try:

Banana bread brownies. NEED I SAY MORE.

A way to move:

I’ve never tried barre before (it scares me?) but I’m looking forward to giving it a go (and trying out those living room dance parties) for free, streaming from Maiden Motion (an RVA biz!). Join me?!

45+ fun things:

Loved this list of games + activities to mix things up at home!