Five Finds // Tuesday

I’m clearly struggling with consistency here, but I’m not concerned and just finding it fun to share these whenever they come together. Hope you’re enjoying them, too! Today’s finds include beautiful photos, a fun game, and hilarious things found on Twitter.

Stunning photography:

The Isolation Creation photo series Jamie Beck is doing is INCREDIBLE.

A game to play:

My dad recently picked this game up (it’s literally called “The Game”) and it was a really fun one! Easy to learn, requires teamwork and some healthy table talking, and moves quickly. It’s a little like Racko mixed with Uno kinda? I liked it a lot and we played several rounds!

To make you laugh:

These people in isolation recreating famous works of art are TOO GOOD.

Another lol moment:

Choose your character, Christian girls. This is GOLD.

Collaborative joy:

Someone on Instagram let me know that my sidewalk chalk art was added to this awesome [Art]solation site — so cool! (Click “Richmond” to see it.)