Five Finds Friday // February 24
Remember when I wrote in my Powersheets that I was going to blog 3 times a week? HAHA. Good one, Rachel. (When you're a rebel like me, expectations like that backfire. When will I learn?)
Anyway. My friend Taylor brought back her fun little Friday blog post and I'm joining in, because even though I don't have great thoughts to share or anything wise to write, I can share links as well as anyone.
Here they are!
Confession: this is ALWAYS the hardest category for me of this roundup. I'm just not a funny person, guys. It's okay, I've realized this about myself. I've put Carpool Karaoke videos here more times than was probably acceptable. It's fine.
I'm copying Taylor from last week. (I'M SORRY, TAYLOR. I'm giving you cred though!) This podcast episode of The Popcast had me DYING. Like, tears were coming down my face from laughing so hard, because misheard lyrics are just AMAZING. Knox and Jamie are hilarious anyway, and this one just had me cracking up, so you should totally listen, but not in public, because that could get awkward.
A misheard lyric confession of my own: totally thought the song "Stitches" by Shawn Mendes said "needle in the bread, gonna wind up dead" for the LONGEST time. And then I thought maybe it was "needle in the bed, gonna wind up dead." It's really "needle and the thread" but COME ONE. A needle in either bread or a bead could totally lead to death! (hahahahaha, oh man.)
I may or may not have these two necklaces coming my way this week...
my version! delish.
This "Blissed-Out Thai Salad with Peanut Tempeh" recipe was a recent Minimalist Baker WIN, and I already want to make it again. It's always great to fall in love with a salad recipe (because that doesn't always happen, let's be real) and this one was fun, super flavorful, filling, and fresh. (Also gluten-free and vegan, holla!) If you've never had tempeh, give it a try. It's great, trust me!
I asked friends over on Twitter and Facebook what they're doing for Lent this year, because I have a few thoughts, but I was curious to hear feedback. I've gotten some great responses so far! A common theme I'm loving is the combination of removing unhealthy things (like Netflix, caffeine, social media, etc) and adding healthier things (like reading goals, study plans, etc). I'm leaning toward that combo myself.
For now, here's what I've settled on:
I'll be going through the She Reads Truth Lent study and also reading this book of readings for Lent and Easter (affiliate link!). I read the advent version of that book (find it here -- affiliate link) and absolutely LOVED it (thanks to the original recommendation from Emily P. Freeman!) so I'm excited to read another collection from a brilliant group of writers this season.
I don't know what else I'm doing yet. Reading books isn't quite enough (since I do that a lot in my normal life anyway, and really want to intentionally move through this season) so I'm still thinking.
Any ideas?!
If you follow me on Instagram, you know I spent last night bawling my eyes out. Why, you ask? Oh, just a little show called This Is Us. Nobody is surprised. This show is GOLD and it gets me in my feels weekly, and last night just about did me in. I won't spoil it, but just get the tissues ready.
If you aren't watching This Is Us (is anyone not watching this show, though?), you should be. Yes, it's emotional, but it's written brilliantly, it doesn't feel manipulative, it's incredibly genuine, and it's just REAL. Best show I've seen in a LONG time, hands down.
Plus, I think it's good to feel things. And I think it's good to have big, weepy cry-fests. So, thanks, This Is Us.
(Also to see me blubbering like a big old baby, just go over to Instagram.)
This fun little roundup was originally created by Taylor Schumann and Holly Paulette (aka my Rising assistant editors and two dear friends!) and it's just the best, right?! Didn't want you thinking this was my brainchild, because I'm not that cool. The cred is all theirs.