Posts tagged tyndale blog network
Fire Road // REVIEW

I have had this one from @tyndalehouse for FOREVER and finally got to it... blown away by this story. I knew this iconic photo of the girl fleeing the napalm attacks in Vietnam, but had no idea about her story, and it is POWERFUL. This memoir was beautifully written and an incredibly moving story of forgiveness, faith, family, and healing... I couldn’t put it down and am in awe of her bravery and graciousness toward her enemies.

There was so much about this time period and the war that I was unaware of since it was before my time, and while this wasn't a comprehensive historical account, Kim did a great job of sharing important details and information that helped set the stage for her personal account. Her voice shines through every page here-- it wasn't a stuffy history book, but instead a vibrant and compelling story of horrific trauma, resiliency, and incredible recovery and faith. I found it beautiful and moving on every page, and was so in awe of her strength.

Phew, what a great read.

Unified: How Our Unlikely Friendship Gives Us Hope for a Divided Country // REVIEW

In these divided, heated, tense political times, this book from @tgowdysc and @senatortimscott was a refreshing reminder that love is truly over all. I was encouraged by their story of unlikely friendship in politics, their thoughts on racial reconciliation, and the way they emphasized one on one interactions as a powerful tool for empathy and progress. This one reminded me that there are still good, wholesome, influential people in politics worth admiring, and that people are working for the glory of God and the good of all people in every sphere.

Thanks to @tyndalehouse for this one!

The Genius of One // REVIEW

I gave The Genius of One by Greg Holder 3/5 stars -- There is a lot of goodness in this one, especially if you’re in any time of leadership role or have any influence in a group or community. The back cover describes it like this: "In a fractured and on-edge world, there are some who are called to unity. Unity is not always easy or intuitive. It is simply a better way. Unity is how God still gets things done on earth, tracing back to the prayer Jesus prayed on the worst night of his life: that we would be one. In The Genius of One, author and pastor Greg Holder takes his readers on a journey from that glorious prayer of Jesus, past the debates and divisions that isolate Christians, and into the reality of a church united under God for the sake of the world."

In a time that feels extremely divided, focusing on unity and treating one another in a godly way is essential. There are many helpful and engaging stories in this one, as well as thoughtfully worded questions to help you reflect and respond personally as you read. I enjoyed this one and found it encouraging and uplifting. (snag it here for $12!)

Thanks to Tyndale House Publishers for sending this complimentary copy to me to review!