Where to Start Reading: Shauna Niequist

Some authors feel like dear friends from the moment you begin reading their words, and Shauna Niequist is one of those authors for me. She writes with a warmth that is contagious and welcoming, and she has such a beautiful, heartfelt, and authentic way of writing that is so engaging to me. I can’t wait for her to publish another book (hopefully soon!) so I can get my hands on it ASAP — she’s one of my very favorites and I hope you’ll fall in love with her like I have!

Here's where to start reading Shauna Niequist:

if you’re in a joyous season:

Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life // This book is electric, alive, fresh, and free. It's all about "celebrating the extraordinary nature of everyday life" and it's such a refreshing read, much like a cold tangerine would be. I fell in love with Shauna after the first few paragraphs, and knew I would be reading anything she ever wrote in that moment. This book was a delight and a joy.

if you’re in a challenging season:

Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way // Shauna's "thoughts on change, grace, and learning the hard way" was poignant, beautiful, and soulful. This book is like a warm hug from a dear friend while you're curled up swapping life stories on a comfy couch over mugs of coffee. It's warm and real and reflective in the best ways. I hang on to her every word and feel like we've been best friends forever every time I read her stories.

if you want to read a little every day:

Savor: Living Abundantly Where You Are, As You Are // This one combines content from Bread and Wine, Cold Tangerines, and Bittersweet, as well as new writing and recipes, and it’s the perfect introduction to Shauna’s writings if you haven’t read her yet, as well as a great way to get a little snippet of inspiring, encouraging, beautiful writing every day even if you have read her before!

if you’re stressed:

Present over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living // Shauna, I just love you. I've always loved you. I'm convinced you can write no wrong. This was as beautiful as all of your other books, and so applicable to probably everyone's life, too. Props on writing such a great book on such a relevant topic and making it heartfelt and honest the whole time. This book follows her typical writing style of a collection of essays more than a chapter-based book with a particular flow or outline, but that's what I love about her. The threads weave well throughout all of the pieces, but it's also easy to read in chunks. I did miss a little bit of her typical food-talk, but the focus of this one was different, and I appreciated that. This one just feels refreshing and real.

if you love food + faith:

Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes // This book is a "collection of essays about family, friendships, and the meals that bring us together" next to exquisite recipes, and I can't say enough good things about it. Obviously I love Shauna Niequist, but it's more than that. This book welcomes you into a kitchen buzzing with activity and full of the most incredible tastes and smells, welcomes you around the table where love overflows and real life happens.