The Best Enneagram Books (No Matter How Much You Know!)

The Enneagram is my most FAVORITE personality tool. If you have no clue what I’m talking about, I wrote about where to start with the enneagram, so I'd suggest starting there to catch up!

Once you know a bit about this whole Enneagram deal, you're probably super curious what to do with it. You've learned your type (or you're still trying to pin it down) and you have no clue what comes next. You want to know the types of everybody in your life, and how your type works (or doesn't work) with theirs. You're starting to type fictional characters on TV and in books. You're hooked, right?

I get it. I was hooked, too. I still am. (ps- I'm a 1w9!)

My solution? 



So! I wanted to share all the books about the Enneagram that I've read and other books to browse, too. 

Let's dive in!

ps— this post was last updated nov. 12, 2022!

Here are books I have read and recommend:

  • The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile // This book is really easy to read, really fresh, brand-new so it's super culturally relevant, and just a fantastic resource. I've already bought this one for friends and they've loved it too-- it's a great place to start that won't feel intimidating or too overwhelming.

  • The Path Between Us: An Enneagram Journey to Healthy Relationships by Suzanne Stabile // This was an excellent enneagram read— perfect for building on The Road Back to You and diving deeper into the relational side of our personalities and how we connect, communicate, and love well. I wouldn’t read this one first if you’re new to the Enneagram, but I highly recommend adding it to your arsenal if you know your type and the types of others in your life and you want to take your relationships to the next level.

  • The Essential Enneagram: The Definitive Personality Test and Self-Discovery Guide by David N. Daniels // This was one of the very first things I read about the Enneagram when I was just starting to explore it all, and I loved the basis it gave me! This little book (I had it on my Kindle app on my iPad!) was SO helpful in really dialing in my type and diving deeper into what it means. So, so, so much more to learn here, but this is a great start and a resource I highly recommend if you're just starting to dig into the Enneagram. Good stuff here!

  • The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective by Richard Rohr // This is one of the major books out there on the Enneagram, but it's dense. It's not the fun, easy read that the above book is, but it's still chock-full of incredible wisdom, a lot more history on the background of the Enneagram (fascinating), and really great insights. This is much more of a commitment, so don't think you can breeze through this one, but it's worth it if you're ready to do a deep dive.

  • Using the Enneagram in Prayer: A Contemplative Guide by Suzanne Zuercher // This is for the more advanced Enneagram learner-- it doesn't provide an overview of the types or give you a basis for understanding, but takes it a step further and much deeper into prayer, contemplation, and spiritual/personal growth. This book focuses on the triads and not the individual types, which is deeply meaningful, especially when relating to others.

  • Enneagram Transformations by Don Richard Riso // This book is small but MIGHTY. It’s best read once you have a solid understanding of the Enneagram, as it’s mostly affirmations and releases for each type. I can’t tell you how moving the list was for my type (#enneagram1) and how convicted i was by the releases for my type. I want to write all of these down and read them again and again as i love toward a more healthy, integrated way of living! So, so good.

  • The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of People by Renee Barton // This is the PERFECT starter book for all things Enneagram! Fun, easy (truly) to understand, full of illustrations and doodles, a breeze to read, helpful to have on hand, etc! Especially loved the insight on MBTI/Enneagram overlap— I find that stuff fascinating.

  • Parables and the Enneagram by Clarence Thomson // I found this little gem to be a really eye-opening read as a believer. I had never truly thought about how my personality type as an Enneagram 1 influenced my reading of Scripture, but this book did a great job of illustrating some of that. The focus on specific passages from the Bible and on certain people was really helpful. (Like, I don’t know why I never connected that Pharisees illustrate 1-ness SO CLEARLY.) I really just read the intro and the chapter on my type, but I think other types would find it interesting as well!

  • Reading People: How Seeing the World through the Lens of Personality Changes Everything by Anne Bogel // This one is a little different, as it doesn’t just focus on the enneagram but instead highlights multiple personality type systems — Myers-Briggs, StrengthsFinder, Enneagram, and others. It’s a little more of a 30,000 foot view of personality in general, so if you’re new to this kind of self-discovery, it would be a great comprehensive place to start.

  • Millenneagram: The Enneagram Guide for Discovering Your Truest, Baddest Self by Hannah Paasch // I loved this one. It’s unflinching and frank, it’s hilarious and honest, and it’s SO GOOD. It’s like the enneagram and Urban Dictionary got blended up together and this book came out, or like an old personality type got a new makeover, complete with tattoos and piercings and a sassy new outfit. I mean, anyone who calls enneagram Ones “The Machine” is someone who GETS IT. This one isn’t for your grandma or your preteens, but it’s definitely for anyone who wants to dive deeper into who they are and how to be the best version of that self (and who isn’t afraid to get hit hard with the truth in the process). It’s feisty and fiery and fun and fresh and I loved it, loved it, loved it.

  • the journey toward wholeness: enneagram wisdom for stress, balance, and transformation by suzanne stabile // this book builds on the initial knowledge of enneagram to take things further in exploring triads (thinking/doing/feeling) — both what’s natural for our type and what’s repressed for our type (such as how the Withdrawing Stance for 4/5/9 represses doing, the Aggressive Stance represses feeling for 3/7/8, and the Dependent Stance represses thinking for 1/2/6. i found it fascinating and really helpful!

  • the story of you: an enneagram Journey to becoming your true self by ian morgan cron // when you start flagging the heck out of a library book and have to go order a copy immediately… it’s been a while since i’ve read an enneagram book but this one caught my eye on the new releases shelf and was so, so relevant to my season of life/therapy/inner work. tbh, i didn’t read all the chapters for every type, but the beginning/ending and the section on enneagram Ones were all SO GOOD and so, so helpful— practical but really encouraging, thoughtful and written with compassion, and powerful in their impact. lots to keep thinking about from this one, for sure!


and more enneagram books to browse:

NOTE: Books by Christoper Heuertz are intentionally not included here any longer, as women have come forward with stories of spiritual and psychological abuse at his hand. I stand with these women and do not support Heuertz and his work. (Read more here.)