The RAD Stuff // Vol. 7
As I read, find, discover, and listen to really good stuff all over the Internet, I gather it all up to share with you in these little posts of "the rad stuff." They're fun to share, I love hearing your feedback, and hopefully they introduce you to some awesome new things, people, or products! There are occasionally affiliate links in these posts, just so we all are clear about that. :)
First of all, POWERSHEETS ARE ONLY $25 RIGHT NOW. (starting at noon!) This is actually crazy because they are never on sale, and I would legit RUN, not walk, to get yours! I can't rave enough about this helpful (and grace-filled) tool for setting (and actually sticking to) goals -- they've changed my life for real. They're only on sale while supplies last, and every other time they've been in the shop, they've sold out. I can't tell you how great these things are -- please just trust me! :) // I wrote more about my Powersheets here if you want a better look at them!
Love this song. Love the heart behind it.
This is such fascinating concept -- I'm all about eliminating unnecessary waste and I'm curious how packing food in OTHER food will catch on in the food industry!
How to Keep It Together While On a Cleanse at Work -- since I'm in the middle of a 10 day Arbonne shake challenge, this is RELEVANT.
"This is some wilderness. It isn't pretty and it's sure as hell not easy, and I don't know what getting out of it looks like. But I do know that, however uncomfortable I may be, this is a necessary season." // Read this beautiful, honest post from Gennean.
It only took one iced matcha latte for me to be hooked on this green goodness, and this just seals the deal! // 8 Incredible Benefits Behind our Matcha Obsession
That little black accent. Goodness, how this makes my moody little heart happy. Can my house have all of these?
The number one thing I hear when I tell people I'm vegan is, "Oh, I couldn't do that, I love cheese too much." It's always baffled me. But, if that's you, read this: I Want to Go Vegan, But I'm Addicted to Cheese... Help!
THIS article is just spot on. I am the best at resentment (the fatal flaw of being an Enneagram One!) and awful at communicating what I want, and this was just a perfect reminder that, hello, PEOPLE CANNOT READ MY MIND. I was so nervous to tell people for my birthday this year that really all I wanted was handwritten letters... and that's so silly! People love to do what other people love, and this piece gave me some great tips on how to better approach those conversations so everyone is happier. So good!
Okay one more thing from Yes and Yes ... "You can't stop me from caring, Mr. Trump" because YES.
What I've written lately:
3 New Podcasts I Highly Recommend // on The Rising
3 Ways You Can Change the Life of a Younger Christian // on
5 Things to Remember When Someone Doesn't Like You // on