How I'm Stewarding the Season of Advent This Year


It’s November and almost time to start thinking about new intentions and goals for a new year, but I’m realizing I haven’t given my 2018 word of the year much actual thought in a while. It’s not that I’ve neglected or forgotten it, exactly, but more that I think I’ve been actually busy trying to put it into practice. I guess that’s a good thing?! When I set steward as my word for this year, it was with the hope that it would be a year of intention, of commitment, of taking good and careful care of the things entrusted to me.

With the upcoming season of advent, I’m reminded again of how beautiful the changing seasons are, and how they always tend to align so well with the changes going on in my own heart and soul. Advent is definitely a season I want to steward well.

I want to prayerfully and purposefully engage with this season, these weeks leading up to the celebration of the birth of our Savior. I want to slow down despite the busyness the holidays tend to bring, and spend time reflecting on this story of good news and great joy, this beautiful truth that our God would become man to show us his love in the flesh. I don’t want to get lost in the hustle and bustle, but instead find myself kneeling in adoration of my King.

My prayer for this Advent season:


May I remember in this season that this is more than just a good story, that this is more than just a reason to gather and give gifts, that this is all about so much more than just a baby in a manger. Remind me of who You are— Your godliness, Your glory, Your humanity, Your holiness, your humility. Help me to pause and praise, to sit still and know that You are Immanuel, God with me. Thank You for this season, this collective remembering and reflecting we all are invited into as we approach Christmas Day and the celebration of Your coming. Slow me down. Quiet my anxieties. Bring peace to my restlessness. Shine Your light in the darkness around me. I want to see You anew this season, experience You in fresh ways, discover more of who You are and how You love me. Surprise me. Surround me. Steward me, Lord.


Advent resources I love:

ps— there are some affiliate links included here!

What I’m using this year:

What I’ve used in the past: