Ten Little Things to Tell You

  1. Thank you.

    I cannot express my gratitude enough for the overwhelming response I got after sharing my story last week. I never expected to receive so many messages, and I was blown away by all of the love, support, encouragement, and empathy. It still brings tears to my eyes. I’m so grateful to have this community (online and in real life) that rallies so hard around me even on the hardest days. I don’t take it for granted. I felt for years that sharing my truth would be the end to life as I knew it. In some ways, it is. But mostly, it feels like a brand new and beautiful beginning. Can’t wait to see what comes next.

  2. please vote tomorrow.

    It matters. So much. You not voting won’t communicate anything to the people in power. You voting for the best candidate you can find through thorough and thoughtful research? That speaks. Your voice is heard through your vote. If you’re super unsure who to vote for and you want someone to tell you what to do, might I suggest voting blue? I grew up in the conservative Christian world that believed Republican was right and Democrats were the devil, and here I am voting all blue, because it best aligns with my beliefs and my love for my neighbors— all of them. Just a suggestion. I’d also suggest checking out Vote Save America to find your polling place, do a practice ballot, research your entire ballot and all the candidates, etc. It’s super helpful!

  3. I’ll be in Austin, TX this week!

    What do I need to be sure to do/eat/see/explore?! I have a growing list of vegan food and local bookstores to check out, but I only have 2 days so I want to make the most of it!

  4. Sometimes self care means treating yourself.

    It can also look like saving your money. Sometimes it looks like a consistent yoga practice, sometimes it looks like pausing your membership for a month (which I just did!). Sometimes, it looks like waking up early for quiet time, sometimes it looks like sleeping in. It’s a BALANCE. But. If you’re in the mood to treat yourself, may I suggest Pineapple Clothing? I recently got a sports bra + leggings combo and it’s not just all black (!!!) and I’m a fan. You can use the code “racdaw” for 20% off here!

  5. I can now tell you I wrote this.

    A few years ago. Anonymously. But now, I’m putting my name on it. I’m claiming my truth, my story, my pain, my beliefs. No more fear. (Also, please, for the sake of all of us, let’s leave that old purity culture in the past and do better moving forward.)

  6. Powersheets are here for 2019!

    These goal planner guides have changed the game for me. I’ve never loved a paper product more. (Except maybe my Moleskine journals. I’m loyal to them too.) You can see some inside peaks and read more of my thoughts on them here.

  7. My go-to happy music lately is all Ben Rector.

    Also this fall playlist. And this folk playlist (because autumn!). Also this is still my favorite playlist to dance around my room to. Please appreciate my clever playlist names, okay?

  8. I’m working on gift guides… what do you want to see?

    In the past, I’ve done guides to shop small/local, guides for bookworms, and guides for goods that give back. Do you want to see those again?! Anything new instead?! I try to keep everything under a $50 limit too, because we are here to ball out on a budget, ya feel?

  9. I went to Evolving Faith last month.

    I have a lot of thoughts about it still… I wanted to write about it but couldn’t really find the words. I’m still processing, I guess. LOTS of amazing talks, lots of incredible people, so much to still think about and mull over (and repent of too, honestly). I’m grateful for the experience and can’t wait for next year!

  10. There are some great oil promos this month!

    If you’ve been on the fence about oils, this might just help you take the plunge! For November, my team is offering a super cool deal — you’ll get TWO diffusers (one from YL and one from me that’s my fave for sleep since it has a shut-off timer), you’ll get the premium starter kit of 11 oils you’ll use every day (and also 24% off all future things as a wholesale member!), you’ll add Valor, Geranium, Orange, and Grapefruit to your order, and then you’ll get Christmas Spirit, Nutmeg, and Northern Lights Black Spruce (my FAVE) for FREE on top of it. It’s $256 total, and you’ll have TWO awesome diffusers, all the basic everyday oils you’ll love, and all the oils to make the Anthro diffuser blend, and the oils to make the popular unicorn roller too. 18 oils total! Plus you’ll be a part of such an inspiring, encouraging, and helpful community (which is so crucial!). It’s awesome. Let me know if you want to know more!